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Melet factory

To consistently achieve results you can have confidence in, it takes both sound engineering and a rigorous attention to detail throughout the design, development and production process. That's why, Melet has been a go-to supplier for many of North America's leading manufacturers seeking repeatable quality for almost 50 years. We specialize in complex, highly engineered parts, especially those requiring tight tolerances and low error rates. And while we're capable of handling runs of almost any size and duration, we are particularly adept with short to medium production runs with tight turnaround times. In fact, we love to be challenged, and are at our best when helping a client meet a difficult production deadline or overcome a lingering product issue.


In the world of injection molded parts, there are no shortcuts to quality.

Mold engineering drawing review
Melet building exterior

All operations are certified to ISO 9001 standards.

Melet’s manufacturing facility in Winnipeg, Manitoba employs over 150 employees.

Injection molding machine

We employ lean manufacturing processes and techniques throughout our business.

Barcoded warehouse management system
Automated assembly

All operations are precisely managed using IQMS ERP software, including features such as real-time production monitoring and barcode warehouse management.

To further reduce cost and error we have automated as much of our production processes as possible using state-of-the-art software and robotics.

Engineering consultation meeting

We offer full project management support from the initial quoting stage all the way through to the start of production.

RJG e-dart process control system
Injection mold maintenance

We strive to be environmentally friendly in our operations, seeking ways to reduce waste and energy wherever possible. To this end our Winnipeg plant features a geothermal cooling system for a lower energy climate controlled production environment.

We produce 1200 unique parts from 480 active molds. Achieving a total of 2300 mold changes per year.

Raw material pellets

170 different plastic materials.

For clients wishing to transfer production to Melet we offer a detailed tool transfer procedure to ensure a smooth transition for products moved from other suppliers.

Melet can offer supply chain support including JIT Kanban logistics and delivery available for qualified projects.

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